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CPGE et TS : conférence " Nouvelles technologies pour visualiser et contrôler l'activité cérébrale"

Mardi 22 Novembre 2016, 16:00 - 17:30

conférencier invité: monsieur ALAN URBAN, ingénieur docteur en neurosciences 

Alan URBAN is neuroscience researcher, OBI team leader. He is expert in the fields of in vivo electrophysiology, engineering of imaging platform and image processing. He developed 2 breakthrough imaging technologies including near infrared Voltage Sensitive Dyes (in collaboration with the drug company SANOFI) and functional ultrasound (in collaboration with Dr. G. MONTALDO). He holds numerous awards related to his research (CIPP young investigator award 2008, FDF PhD Price 2011, Norbert Segard Price 2014). Alan URBAN has an experienced leading and growing in many sectors of a business to make it a dynamic and progressive organization; he created 2 companies during his PhD. He published is work in high ranked journal such as Nature Methods, Molecular Psychiatry. He filled several patents on brain imaging technologies. He is a results driven, self-motivated and resourceful researcher with a proven ability to develop and strengthen a research team in order to maximize it’s efficiency. Possessing excellent communication skills and able to establish sustainable and profitable relationships with collaborators in various scientific fields and across the world. He has also strong leaderships skills in laboratory governance, new business development and a comprehensive understanding of financial management principles. Responsible for the day-to-day running of the laboratory, he is managing research projects, writing publications and grants.

Lieu salle de permanence
Contact Mme Perrot, Directrice-Adjointe

Cours Saint Charles
24, rue des Grands Champs
tel : 02. 38. 53. 13. 69